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Now offering free shipping on all orders over $75! For a limited time only.
Now offering free shipping on all orders over $75! For a limited time only.

Return & Exchanges


To return an item to us and receive a refund, follow the directions listed on the return exchange form included with your order and mark the return option. You have 30 days from the date that your order was delivered to you for a full refund. Please allow 1-2 business days for us to process your return. As soon we do, you'll receive a return confirmation email. If you don’t have this form available, you can easily email us at and we will send it to you. 

For items that are damaged, defective or not what you ordered, please contact us so we can best serve you and provide you with return instructions. Items that are made-to-order cannot be returned.



To exchange an item, there is also directions listed on the return exchange form included with your order. You have 30 days from the date that your order was delivered to you to make any exchange requests. Just make sure to mark the exchange option and specify what product you would like to exchange it for. If you don’t have this form available, you can easily email us at and we will send it to you.